
Make a financial gift

A central tenet of our mission is to make art experiences highly accessible to everyone. So all of our studio times and classes are free, and none of our volunteer staff receive a paycheck. We also offer a variety of accessibility grants to help artists overcome other barriers to joining us. It costs an average of $500 a month to do this, and we do it with the help of other generous community builders like you.

All financial gifts directly cover our studio expenses, such as art supplies, healthy snacks, electricity, and this website, to name a few. Even $5 makes a difference, so thank you! 

Gifts are not tax-deductible at this time.


Transportation Assistance

It costs us about $80 a month to provide our transportation grant. With this grant we reimburse less mobile and/or financially underprivileged artists for transportation costs to visit the studio. This includes paying for bus passes, spotting $5 for gas, or getting someone a taxi ride. The transportation grant is a key element of our studio's commitment to arts accessibility.


Art Supplies and Equipment

Without art supplies and equipment we wouldn't be a functional community art studio. While we get a lot of supplies donated, we still have to purchase supplies to fill in necessary gaps. Every month we spend approximately $240 on the supplies necessary to run our free open studio hours and regular free community workshops.


Childcare Assistance

Every month we spend approximately $100 dollars helping our artists cover childcare costs. For any time spent in the community art studio they may receive funds to pay for a caregiver to cover their temporary absence in the home. Without this grant, many parents and caregivers wouldn't be able to take time to make healing art. Their whole family reaps the benefits of a happy, creative caregiver.


Healthy Food Access

We believe that it's hard to make good art on an empty stomach! Some of the artists in our community experience food insecurity that prohibits them from fully experiencing healing art activities. To help all feel welcome and cared for, we keep healthy snacks on hand in the studio. This usually costs the studio $50 a month.

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